The EERVC Scientific Programme is aimed to attract small animal and companion animal practitioners, veterinarians from all around the world and across the whole Europe and the region. The programme is designed to offer the latest advances in animal care to the veterinary community in a professional and enjoyable way of teaching.

Antoine Adam (Switzerland)
Minimal Invasive Surgery And Endoscopy
Adeline Betting (France)
Internal Medicine
Ignacio Carlos Calvo Bermejo (Spain)
Norin Chai (France)
Gillian Dank (Israel)
Alexandra Gabriel (Switzerland)
Internal Medicine
Alexander James German (UK)
Internal Medicine
Gonçalo da Graça Pereira (Portugal)
Behaviour and Welfare
Jackie Demetriou (United Kingdom)
Soft Tissue Surgery
Mike Farrell (United Kingdom)
Laurent Findji (United Kingdom)
Soft Tissue Surgery
Thomas Flegel (Germany)
Rob Foale (United Kingdom)
Internal Medicine
Antonio Giuliano (Hong Kong)
Kris Gommeren (Belgium)
Emergency and Critical Care
Elli Kalemtzaki (Greece)
Céline Pouzot-Nevoret (France)
Emergency and Critical Care
Matthew Rendle (United Kingdom)
Vet Nurses / Technicians
Paulo Steagall (Hong Kong)
Holger A. Volk (Germany)

Antoine Adam (Switzerland)
(Minimal Invasive Surgery And Endoscopy)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Full laparoscopic gastropexy: my 12 years journey and the technic I use now
  2. PerCutaneusCystoLithotripsy (PCCL): mininvasive surgery for bladder and urethral stone diseases management. Can I imagine doing it into my practice?
  3. Dog & Cat Middle Ear surgery: how endoscopy can help me?

Graduated from the Maisons-Alfort Veterinary School in 1991.
Associate & Co-founder Vet Clinic Pacy/Eure (France) in 1994.
Founder of Vetmidi SA in 2006, veterinary clinic in St Prex (VD) and a second one in Etoy (VD) in 2017.
team of 16 people: 7 vets and 9 nurses.
Vetmidi SA clinic is the most equipped of the French part of Switzerland and they have vet specialist in surgery, medicine and dermatology.

Associate in Swissvetgroup since December 2016. Group of vet clinics in Switzerland.
End of 2017 it’s a team of nearly 50 people. 20 vet doctors and nearly 30 nurses.

Adeline Betting (France)
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Regenerative anemias
  2. Non-regenerative anemias
  3. Hypercalcemia through clinical cases: diagnosis and treatment – Part 1
  4. Hypercalcemia through clinical cases: diagnosis and treatment – Part 2
  5. Anemia and chronic kidney disease: physiopathology, old and new treatments
  6. Urolithiasis in dogs and cats – Part 1
  7. Urolithiasis in dogs and cats – Part 2

Short CV

– Initial training at the veterinary school of VetAgro Sup, Lyon (France) ; graduated as DVM in 2015

– rotational internship at the veterinary school of Maisons-Alfort (France)

– specialized internship in internal medicine for companion animals at the veterinary school of Toulouse (France)

– residency training at the VetSuisse Faculty, Bern (Switzerland) between 2018 and 2021

– diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Small Animals) in 2022

– I’m working as a senior clinician in internal medicine in the Small Animal Hospital Onlyvet, Saint-Priest (France) since September 2021

– Publications:

* Betting, A., Schweighauser, A., & Francey, T. (2022). Diagnostic value of reticulocyte indices for the assessment of the iron status of cats with chronic kidney disease. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 36(2), 619-628.
* Lutz, B., Betting, A., Kovacevic, A., Durand, A., Gurtner, C., Kaiponen, TS, Kooistra, H., Campos, M., & Cui, Y. (2022). Dilated cardiomyopathy in a cat with congenital hyposomatotropism. JFMS open reports, 8(1), 20551169221086437.
* Vincenti, S., Betting, A., Durand, A., Campos, M., Scanziani, E., & Martin, SS (2021). Total laryngectomy in a cat with a laryngeal peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Veterinary surgery: VS, 50(7), 1533–1541.
* Lavabre, T., Betting, A., Bourgès-Abella, N., Layssol-Lamour, C., & Trumel, C. (2019). Abnormal Sysmex XT-2000iV DIFF scattergram in a cat with a prominent mastocytemia. Veterinary clinical pathology, 48(4), 624–629.

Ignacio Carlos Calvo Bermejo (Spain)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Feline joint luxations. Anything different to dogs?
  2. Carpal an tarsal arthrodesis in the feline patient. Tricks and tips
  3. Common failures in feline fracture fixation. Lean from my mistakes
  4. Feline OA, what we need to know?

Short CV

Nacho graduated from the University of Cordoba (Spain) in 2000. After a formative period at Madrid Vet School, he then completed an internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, followed by completion of a 3-year Small Animal Surgery Residency at the same institution. Nacho obtained the RCVS certificate in small animal surgery in 2009 (CertSAS) , the European Diploma in Small Animal Surgery (Dipl ECVS) in 2012 and his PhD for studies into the Tibial Tuberosity Advancement procedure in 2016. Before joining Hospital Animal Bluecare in Malaga (Spain) as medical director and head of orthopaedics in July 2018, Nacho held the positions of Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery at University College Dublin (UCD), Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery at Glasgow Vet School, Senior Clinician in Orthopaedics at Fitzpatrick’s Referrals and Senior Lecturer and Head of Orthopaedics at the Royal Veterinary College in London. Nacho is an active faculty and European board member of AOVET. Nacho is also the Musculoskeletal disorders and orthopaedics section editor of BMC veterinary research.

Norin Chai (France)
DVM, MSc, MScVet, PhD, Dipl.ECZM

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Pain management in exotic medicine
  2. Dermatology in small mammals
  3. Ophthalmology in exotic medicine
  4. Birds and Reptile Anesthesia
  5. Reproductive surgery in exotic medicine
  6. Primate medicine for practitioners

Short CV

Graduated from the National Veterinary School of Alfort, Norin completed two Masters of Science in 1995, one in “Tropical Animal Pathology” and one in “Tropical Animal Production”. In 1996, he completed his veterinary thesis on “Ecology and ethology of the leopard (Panthera pardus)”. In the meantime, he began his career as the director of the Manda National Park (Chad) from 1995 to 1996. In 1997, he joined the National Museum of Natural History (France) as a research engineer, deputy director and Head vet of the Parc de la Haute Touche (zoological park in central France). In 2000, Norin returned to Paris as a veterinarian at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. In 2008, he obtained his PhD on amphibian medicine. In 2013, he became Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Zoo). From 2005 to September 2020, he held the position of headvet and deputy director of the Menagerie. At the same time, Norin was the veterinary manager of all the transgenic animal research facilities of the National Museum, president of the NGO Elefantasia and co-founding president of the Regional Wildlife Monitoring Laboratory. He left his position at the zoo in October 2020 to follow his own personal conservation and humanitarian projects, in particular with his association Yaboumba, founded in 2000. He is regularly requested for expertise on medical and surgical cases in wildlife and on conservation projects around the world.

Currently, Norin consults in a referral veterinary clinic specialized in exotic animals (Spenac Argos, Paris), in a zoo-rescue Center (La Tanière Zoo, Chartres), in other several rescue centers (Costa Rica and Asia) and has a business coaching activity.

He has published numerous articles in indexed veterinary journals, national magazines and given hundred lectures in national and international conferences.

Gillian Dank (Israel)
D-ACVIM -Oncology, D-ECVIM- Ca-Oncology

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Canine Osteosarcoma
  2. Canine soft tissue sarcoma
  3. Canine hemangiosarcoma
  4. Feline lymphoma – different grades and locations with different prognosis

Short CV

Gillian Dank, DVM, is a board certified veterinary oncologist and senior lecturer at the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the Koret School in 1998 and completed her residency in oncology at the University of California, Davis in 2002.

Dr. Dank is a Diplomate of the American College and European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Oncology, with research interests in clinical small animal oncology, the study of Procalcitonin C in canines, and the effects of passive smoking on pets.

Dr. Dank established the Oncology Department at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, where she pursues research and lectures in basic and clinical oncology to veterinary students during their clinical and preclinical training. The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine was founded in 1985, and is Israel’s only veterinary school.

Alexandra Gabriel (Switzerland)
DECVIM-CA Internal Medicine
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Chronic enteropathies part I: diagnostic challenges
  2. Chronic enteropathies part II: treatment challenges
  3. Canine chronic bronchitis: the tough side
  4. Feline bronchitis: management problematics
  5. Upper respiratory tract disease part I: chronic rhinitis and other demanding diseases
  6. Upper respiratory tract disease part II: chronic rhinitis and other demanding diseases

Short CV

Alexandra Gabriel, qualified from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of the University of Liège (ULg) in Belgium in 2000 and of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Dipl. ECVIM-CA) in 2007. She spent her internship at the FVM of the University of Glasgow in Scotland and the residency at the Department of Small Animal Internal Medicine of the FVM of the ULg. She stayed assistant in the Department of Small Animal Internal Medicine of the FVM of the ULg for one year, then was appointed lecturer and senior consultant in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Leipzig in Germany for three years, thereafter senior consultant in Internal Medicine and associate partner at the Veterinary Hospital CHV Frégis in Arcueil in France for four years and finally senior consultant and head of the Small Animal Internal Medicine Department at the Veterinary Hospital CHV Pommery in Reims in France for seven years. She’s actually senior consultant and head of the Small Animal Internal Medicine Department at the Veterinary Referral Clinic Vetmidi Etoy in Switzerland.

Alexander James German (UK)
BVSc(Hons) Phd CertSAM DipECVIM-CA, SFHEA FRCVS RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Medicine (Internal Medicine) and EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Protein-losing enteropathy
  2. Managing weight loss in older cats
  3. Feline IBD vs lymphoma
  4. Caring for dogs and cats with obesity
  5. Prevention of obesity

Short CV

Alex German holds the position of Royal Canin Professor of Small Animal Medicine at the University of Liverpool. He qualified with honours from the University of Bristol in 1994, and completed his PhD at the same institution in 2000. He is a Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Specialist in Internal Medicine, a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Clinical and Research Interests

  • Internal medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Obesity biology
  • Healthy aging science
  • Evidence-based medicine
Gonçalo da Graça Pereira (Portugal)
(Behaviour and Welfare)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Skills for kittens and puppies
  2. Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome: can we stop ageing?
  3. Are there emergencies in behaviour?
  4. Noise reactivity: diagnosis and treatment
  5. Dominance in dogs: myth or reality?
  6. Hospitalisation and post-discharge – behavioural considerations for cats

Short CV

Veterinary Degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lisbon. Master in Clinical Ethology and Animal Welfare at the Faculty of Veterinary from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. PhD in Veterinary Science at the Institute of Biomedical Science Abel Salazar in O’Porto. EBVS specialist in Behavioural Medicine and Diplomate in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Legislation by the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine. Secretary of the Executive Committee from the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS). Vice-President of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology (ESVCE). President (2017-2020) of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM). Founder and President (2011-2017) of PsiAnimal – Portuguese Association of Behavioural Therapy and Animal Welfare. Professor of Animal Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics both in the Veterinary Master and Veterinary Nurse Degree of the Egas Moniz School of Health and Science. Lecturer in Seminars, Conferences and Congresses national and internationally. Author, Co-author and Coordinator of several studies in animal behaviour and welfare science.

Jackie Demetriou (United Kingdom)
BVetMed, CertSAS, DipECVS, MRCVS, European and RCVS-Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
(Soft Tissue Surgery)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Nose surgery
  2. Surgery of biliary mucoceles
  3. Surgery for salivary gland disease
  4. Ear surgery – dogs
  5. Ear surgery – cats

Short CV

Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham. Jackie qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London, in 1996 and spent one year in mixed practice before joining Edinburgh Veterinary School as an Intern. She completed a Residency in Small Animal Surgery in 2001 and, afer a year in a private referral practice, was appointed Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery at the University of Cambridge. She joined DWR in 2012. Jackie passed her RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2000 and the ECVS Diploma in 2002. She has served on the European College of Veterinary Surgery examining board for 5 years. She enjoys all aspects of soft tissue surgery, from clinical work and teaching to participating in clinical research. She publishes widely in peer reviewed journals, has published a textbook on Small Animal Oncology with Rob Foale and is co-editor and contributor to the only dedicated book on feline soft tissue surgery. She contributes regularly to national and international conferences and surgery courses. She has undertaken advanced training in Interventional Radiology (IR) and laparoscopy.

Mike Farrell (United Kingdom)
BVetMed CertVA CertSAS Dip ECVS, EBVS and RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Why do people believe exercise harms joint development?
  2. Can joint supplements do more harm than good?
  3. The hidden dangers of unlicensed painkillers
  4. The ideal diet for arthritic dogs

Short CV

Mike Farrell graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 1997 and completed internships at Bristol and Edinburgh Universities. He’s worked in the UK and Australia as a general practitioner and in the USA and Switzerland as a veterinary anaesthetist.
Mike completed a surgery residency at Glasgow University in 2006 and gained his European Diploma in Small Animal Surgery in 2007. He’s an EBVS and RCVS board certified specialist in small animal surgery. Mike’s open access educational YouTube channel,, helps veterinary practitioners and animal lovers make difficult choices for their pets.

Laurent Findji (United Kingdom)
(Soft Tissue Surgery)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. What to do with lymph nodes in surgical oncology?
  2. Surgery of facial tumours
  3. What can you learn from my complications?
  4. Getting started in thoracic surgery
  5. Easy tips and tricks for wound closure
  6. Surgery of prostatic diseases

Short CV

Laurent graduated from Paris’ vet school, the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, in France in 1995 and was assistant instructor in the anatomy department the following year. He then qualified for a 2-year surgical internship in the same school and later completed a Master of Science in Biology and Physiology of Circulation and Respiration, as well as a university degree in Experimental Surgery and Microsurgery.
After having worked for 3 years in a large private practice outside Paris, he spent 4 years at the Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, near Paris, where he completed an ECVS residency. He became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2008 and was recognized as a specialist in small animal surgery by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2012. Laurent worked at VRCC Veterinary Referrals in Essex, United Kingdom, where he was one of the full-time soft-tissue surgeons and directors from 2006 to 2014. He moved to the Oncology and Soft Tissue Surgery department of Fitzpatrick Referrals in October 2014. Laurent is a member of several professional boards and committees, regularly contributes to international publications and book chapters, and gives lectures and presentation in many countries. His fields of interest include surgical oncology, reconstructive surgery and general soft tissue surgery.

Thomas Flegel (Germany)
Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology), Diplomate ECVN

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. 5 shades of intervertebral disc diseases
  2. It looks like a seizure, it smells like a seizure, it tastes like a seizure, but it is not a seizure: paroxysmal dyskinesia
  3. How to identify 3 common neurological presentations without being a neurologist
  4. Peripheral nervous system lesions – wrongly neglected by most of us: how to recognise them?

Short CV

Veterinary Training
1986-1992 – Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Working Experience
1992-1998 – Working experience in large and small animal medicine in university (Freie University Berlin) as well as in private practice in Berlin
1998-1999 – Department of Companion Animals and Special Species College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, USA, Internship in Veterinary Neurology
1999-2001 – Department of Veterinary Clinical Scienes, The Ohio State University, USA, Residency in neurology and neurosurgery
Since November 2002 – Department of Small Animal Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany, Head of the section of neurology and neurosurgery

Veterinary and Academic Qualifications
1994 – Doctor medicinae veterinariae (summa cum laude)
2001 – Master of Veterinary Sciences (The Ohio State University, USA)
2003 – Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Neurology)
2005 – Diplomate European College of Veterinary Neurology
2008 – European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
2010 – Dr. med. vet. habilitatus (small animal surgery and small animal neurology)
since 2012 – President of the European College of Veterinary Neurology

Rob Foale (United Kingdom)
BSc BVetMed DSAM DipECVIM-CA FRCVS, CVS and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Solving the Puzzle; how problem-orientated medicine can enhance your diagnostic success
  2. I Think I have a Drink Problem; getting to the bottom of patients with PUPD
  3. The Blood Sugar Rollercoaster; strategies for managing challenging diabetic patients
  4. “Ions in Action”; Navigating the maze of abnormal electrolytes in cats and dogs

Short CV

Rob qualified from the RVC in 1996 having previously undertaken a Physiology and Pharmacology BSc at King’s College London. After four years in mixed general practice, he undertook his residency training in small animal internal medicine at the University of Cambridge where he obtained his CertSAM, DSAM and DipECVIM-CA and he became a recognised Specialist in 2005.
Rob joined Dick White Referrals in 2003, where he set up and ran both the internal medicine and medical oncology services from 2004 to 2016. He then became a Shared Venture Partner and Clinical Director for five years before leaving DWR in December 2021. In addition to his clinical work, Rob has an on-going research project looking to develop gene therapy as a treatment for diabetic dogs. Rob has been actively involved in teaching at the University of Nottingham since 2008 and has been a Professor of Small Animal Medicine at this institution since 2020 where he currently delivers the urogenital and infectious disease modules of the University’s certificate/AVP course. Rob also enjoys delivering CPD and has spoken regularly throughout the UK and Europe, particularly in the fields of small animal endocrinology, gastroenterology, problem-orientated medicine and medical oncology. Away from work, Rob is married and has three teenage children, two dogs and a rabbit! He relaxes by being a (very slow!) 10K and half marathon runner and by playing bass in a local band.

Antonio Giuliano (Hong Kong)
DVM,MS,GpCert(SAM),PgCert(CT),ECVIM (onc),MRCVS European, RCVS and HK specialist in Companion Animals

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. FNA and biopsy
  2. Bladder and prostate cancer from diagnosis to treatment options
  3. Mast cell tumours in dogs
  4. Mammary tumours in dogs and cats

Short CV

Dr. Antonio Giuliano graduated from the University of Messina in 2007. While working in general practice, he completed a master’s degree in Small Animal Oncology from the University of Pisa, a post graduate certificate in cancer therapeutic at Barts Cancer Institute and the GpCert (SAM) in internal medicine. He completed a rotating internship in a busy referral practice in UK and an oncology internship and residency at the Queen Veterinary School Teaching Hospital (QVSH), at the University of Cambridge.
After successfully completing the residency, he worked for one year as oncology clinician and supervisor at the QVSH. In the 2019 he moved to Hong Kong (HK) working as oncologist at CityU VMC, the largest multidisciplinary referral Hospital in HK.
Dr Antonio Giuliano is a recognised European, RCVS and HK specialist in Companion Animals (Oncology). He published numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and presented his research in many international conferences.
He has a broad interest in cancer research, with particular focus on finding new drugs/therapeutic approaches to improve survival time and quality of life of pets. He is also interested in preclinical and clinical investigations into the development of rapid tests to predict prognosis and/or early diagnosis of cancer.

Kris Gommeren (Belgium)
(Emergency and Critical Care)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Pathophysiology, clinical suspicion and diagnosis of shock… things you might have forgotten
  2. The initial treatment of shock patients: Fluids (and beyond)
  3. How can point of care ultrasound help you in shock patients
  4. Septic peritonitis in companion animals: what we‘ve learned from human medicine
  5. How can point of care ultrasound help you with dyspneic patients: Part A the pleural space
  6. How can point of care ultrasound help you with dyspneic patients: Part B the pulmonary parenchyma
  7. How can point of care ultrasound help you with dyspneic patients: Part C the focused cardiac ultrasound
  8. Emergency and critical care basics

Short CV

Kris Gommeren graduated from Ghent University in 2002, where he completed an internship and residency in internal medicine. In 2009, he became a diplomate of the European College of Internal Medicine and worked briefly in a referral practice before moving to the University of Liège, where he developed the ECC service. Since then, the emergency and intensive care service of the University of Liège has grown into a service with a team of 12 veterinarians, including 2 specialists and 4 residents in training, supplemented by 6 full-time ECC veterinary assistants, and assisted by rotating interns. The service sees more than 3,500 emergency rooms every year, and offers an average of 8 intensive care patients the best care every day whilst trying to provide students with the necessary basic knowledge about this field. In 2017, Kris became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care and in the meantime completed a PhD on the effects of systemic inflammation on the cardiovascular system. Kris is former president of the European Society of Emergency and Critical Care (EVECCS), founding member of the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care UltraSound (VECCUS) interest group, and co-founder of the Animal Blood Bank Benelux. His main areas of interest are point-of-care ultrasound, assessment of the cardiovascular system in critically ill patients, fluid therapy, and the assessment of volume status and fluid responsiveness.

Elli Kalemtzaki (Greece)
DVM, MSc, Certified Coach, NLP Certified Practitioner

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. The Impact of Client Interactions on Veterinary Wellbeing

Short CV

Elli Kalemtzaki, DVM, MSc, Certified Coach, NLP Certified Practitioner
Elli is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and holds a postgraduate degree from the National School of Public Health in Athens, Greece. She is also a Professional Coach certified by Adler International, Toronto, Canada since 2010 and a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 2012.

Elli comes with 20 years of experience in the pet food industry, the last 9 years in international positions during which she worked with diverse teams in countries vastly different from a cultural point of view. She has extensive experience in coaching and mentoring individuals, leading workshops and training business teams in several countries across Europe.
In 2017 she started her own business as an independent consultant originally based in Prague and later in Athens to help veterinary practitioners market their services, inspire, and motivate their teams and engage with clients. She recently joined Vet Planet as a Business Development Manager.

Elli is passionate about advancing the well-being of veterinary professionals worldwide and ensuring they work in a supportive and caring environment. She served as a member of the Board of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society from 2021-2024 and is co-Chair of the WSAVA Professional Wellness Committee since 2022.

Céline Pouzot-Nevoret (France)
DVM, PhD (F), Dipl. ECVECC, National Veterinary School of Lyon, Marcy-l’Étoile, France
(Emergency and Critical Care)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. How can point of care ultrasound help you in shock patients
  2. Different types of dyspnea: Lessons learned from a good clinical exam
  3. The initial treatment of the dyspneic patient
  4. Advanced treatment of the dyspneic patient: The basics from high flow to mechanical ventilation
  5. How can point of care ultrasound help you with gastro intestinal tract disorders
  6. Emergency and critical care basics

Short CV

Dr. Céline Pouzot-Nevoret is a professor in Emergency and Critical Care, and the head of the SIAMU, the ICU of the Veterinary School of Lyon. She graduated from this School in 2002 and joined SIAMU the following year and completed a PhD on acute respiratory distress syndrome.
She became an European board-certified specialist (Dip. ECVECC) in 2018.
She is actively involved in European ECC as she is the European Emergency and Critical Care society (EVECCS) past-president and was the chair of the Congress organisation committee for several years. She is now member at large in the European College of Emergency and Critical Care (ECVECC).
Her main fields of interest are the management of respiratory distress patient, use of POCUS in the ICU and haemorrhagic shock.

Matthew Rendle (United Kingdom)
(Vet Nurses / Technicians)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. Veterinary Nursing – team work makes the dream work!
  2. Fluid Therapy for nurses – what to use and when?
  3. First principles of anaesthesia in practice
  4. Anaesthesia monitoring – keeping things safe!
  5. Fundamental clinical nutrition for nurses
  6. Welfare minded blood sampling of pet mammals

Short CV

Matt started his veterinary nursing career at The Park Veterinary Centre, Watford in September 1989, a busy mixed and exotics 13-vet practice, where he completed his veterinary nursing qualification and was made Senior Theatre Nurse in 1994.
Matt has experience in the nursing care for many species from ants to elephants (and most things in-between) and has been fortunate to travel extensively across the world as part of his roles.
Matt is the Chair of AZEVN which he helped found in 2016 to provide CPD for nurses working with zoo, exotics, and wildlife species.
Matt also is a member of the board of ACOVENE, who help promote and support veterinary nursing education in Europe.

Paulo Steagall (Hong Kong)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. What’s new in anesthesia and pain management in 2024?
  2. I love watching cat videos: an interactive session on acute pain behaviors/assessment in cats
  3. My favorite ten tricks about anesthesia in small animal practice
  4. Case discussion and anesthetic protocols for common conditions in dogs and cats

Short CV

Dr. Paulo Steagall is a Professor of Veterinary Anesthesiology and Pain Management at the City University of Hong Kong and the Université de Montréal. He is a board-certified specialist by the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia.
He is the head of a clinical research laboratory dedicated to improving pain management and animal welfare with cutting-edge research in pain assessment with emphasis on cats including the Feline Grimace Scale ( He has published over 130 scientific articles on pain management and the book “Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management” while lecturing internationally.

Holger A. Volk (Germany)

EERVC 2024 Lectures

  1. No need to panic – confident neurological emergencies management
  2. Easy peasy bladder squeezy – diagnosis and management of lumbosacral disease
  3. Ace of spines – diagnosis of acute non-surgical myelopathies in first opinion practice
  4. Epilepsy beyond seizures and drug treatment

Short CV

Holger is currently Professor of Small Animal Diseases and the Head of Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Honorary Professor of Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, Royal Veterinary College, London and Affiliate Professor of Veterinary Neurology, University of Copenhagen. He graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover in 2001, where he also did his PhD in Neuropharmacology studying basic mechanisms of drug-resistant epilepsy. He then completed his specialist clinical education doing an internship and a residency in Neurology and Neurosurgery at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). The RVC also provided him with the chance to not only excel academically and clinically, but also in his leadership skills, going through the reigns from lecturer to head of service, clinical director of the Small Animal Referral clinic and last as head of department of clinical science and services. Holger is internationally known for his work in the field of SARS-CoV-2 Medical Scent Detection Dogs, neuropathic pain and epilepsy. He was President of the European College of Veterinary Neurology and active in the Executive Board of Veterinary Specialisation as treasurer. He has been a recipient of several Jim Bee educator excellent in teaching awards, Gerhard-Domagk-Award, Bourgelat Award from BSAVA, the International Canine Health Award from the Kennel Club, and the RCVS International Award.

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