The EERVC Scientific Programme is aimed to attract small animal and companion animal practitioners, veterinarians from all around the world and across the whole Europe and the region. The programme is designed to offer the latest advances in animal care to the veterinary community in a professional and enjoyable way of teaching.

Pablo Barge-Carmona (Switzerland)

Diagnostic Imaging

Carl Bradbrook (United Kingdom)

Anaesthesia & Pain Management

Yi Cui (Germany)


Debbie Gray (United Kingdom)

Vet Nurses / Technicians

Jane Ladlow (United Kingdom)

Soft Tissue Surgery

Carmen Lorente Méndez (Spain)


Franziska Meyer (Switzerland)

Emergency & Critical Care

Jana Milenkovic (Switzerland)

Internal Medicine

Ana Nemec (Slovenia)


Geert Paes (Belgium)

Internal Medicine

Matthew Rendle (United Kingdom)

Vet Nurses / Technicians

Clare Rusbridge (United Kingdom)


Pablo Barge-Carmona (Switzerland)
(Diagnostic Imaging)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Emergency thoracic radiology
  2. Emergency abdominal radiology
  3. Updates on AFAST and TFAST
  4. Making pulmonary patterns easy
  • Veterinary degree, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
  • Rotating Internship, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, 2014-2015.
  • General practice in Madrid, 2015-2016.
  • Diagnostic Imaging Internship, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2016-2017.
  • Diagnostic Imaging Internship, Pride Veterinary Referrals, 2017-2018.
  • Referral ultrasonographer, Pride Veterinary Referrals, 2018-2019.
  • Residency in Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2019-2023.
  • Certificate of Advance Studies - Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern.
  • Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI), 2023.
  • Senior radiologist, University of Bern, 2023-2025.
  • Senior radiologist and Head of the Radiology Department, Hospital Veterinario Puchol, Madrid, 2025-currently.
  • Teleradiology consultant, 2023 - currently.

Carl Bradbrook (United Kingdom)
(Anaesthesia & Pain Management)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

    1. Acute pain – Part 1
    2. Acute pain – Part 2
    3. Local anaesthesia – Part 1
    4. Local anaesthesia – Part 2
    5. Managing challenging anaesthetics
    6. Brachycephalic anaesthesia

Carl graduated from the University of Liverpool and after a few fun years in mixed practice undertook a residency in anaesthesia and intensive care at The Royal Veterinary College and Davies Veterinary Specialists in the UK. He has worked in several private and university referral centres, as well as an independent anaesthesia consultant. He co-founded Zero Pain Philosophy, aiming to ensure pain is identified and treated appropriately in our companion animal patients. He has worked at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists since October 2018 where he is the Clinical Director and a member of the anaesthesia team. He is an RCVS Recognised Specialist and an EBVS European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. He was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contributions to clinical practice in 2020.

Yi Cui (Germany)
DVM, ECVIM-CA, MRCVS, European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  • Canine Hypothyroidism
  • Canine Hypercorticolism
  • Canine Hypoadrenocorticism
  • Canine Pheochromotcytoma
  • Feline Hyperthyroidism
  • Feline Diabetes Mellitus
  • Feline Hyperaldosteronism
  • Feline Primary Hypercalcemia

Yi’s love and passion for animals has led her to pursue the art of veterinary science at the university of Ghent (Belgium). To get a taste of all the different specialisations in companion animals, she finished a rotating internship the following year and visited many different universities in the UK, Germany, France and Switzerland, exploring the different worlds of internal medicine. This gave her the insight in how the same problem can be approached from many different angles with each their own advantages and disadvantages. After her travels, she started a residency Internal Medicine at the university of Giessen (Germany) and became an European Internal Medicine specialist in 2019.
To explore different academic environments, she worked at the Universities of Ghent, Utrecht and Bern, to practice Internal Medicine and learn from esteemed colleagues in their own respectable fields. After her academic career she tried private practice in Hong Kong, to experience a completely new environment, which has taught her many lessons.
Exploring new places, learning different ways of medicine and experiencing new cultures has been an important part of her personal growth. That is why, in 2023, she decided to explore the world, one country at the time and work online, educating and supporting primary vets. Combining that with working in different clinics around the world, learning from other colleagues and volunteering at local shelters.

Debbie Gray (United Kingdom)
BSc(Hons), Cert Ed, RVN
(Vet Nurses / Technicians)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. The Two Minute Trauma Triage, Do it Well And Do It Quickly!
  2. Welfare Minded Infectious Disease Management
  3. Supporting the BOAS Patient
  4. Nurse Consults - Improving Health and Welfare

Jane Ladlow (United Kingdom)
(Soft Tissue Surgery)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Brachycephalic welfare issues and how to tackle them?
  2. BOAS - Risk Factors and Diagnosis
  3. BOAS - how to facilitate treatment
  4. Then perhaps:
  5. Lumps in tricky places
  6. How to optimise GI foreign bodies
  7. Mast cell tumours - the surgeon's approach?

Jane is a European and Royal College Specialist in Small Animal Surgery with more than twenty years’ experience in soft tissue surgery. In addition to general clinical work and teaching students at the University of Cambridge, Jane focused on upper airway disease in dogs, particularly brachycephalic obstructive airway disease (BOAS) and, with Dr Nai-Chieh Lui, she devised a non-invasive method of assessing airway function in flat faced dogs (bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs) and also introduced a clinical grading system for BOAS. This work led to the development of The Kennel Club/ University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme to facilitate the breeding of healthy dogs. The RFG Scheme has been licensed in sixteen other countries so far which enables a more international overview of the health of these breeds. Over the last twenty years, Jane has published over 30 research papers, with her colleague, Jackie Demetriou, edited a textbook on general surgery in cats and contributed to a number of other textbooks. She has trained residents, supervised PhD students and lectured internationally, including Keynote lecture at ACVS and is the (grateful) recipient of the BSAVA Simon Award, the BVA Chiron Award and the FECAVA Didier-Noël Carlotti Award. With a group of like-minded specialists, Jane has recently opened Granta Veterinary Specialists in 2024 to provide excellent clinical service to the patients and their owners.

Carmen Lorente Méndez (Spain)
DVM, PhD, DipECVD, EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies for Canine Pyoderma: From Conventional Approaches to Emerging Options
  2. Diagnostic Approach to External Otitis in Dogs and Cats: Best Practices
  3. Effective Management of External Otitis: A Comprehensive Treatment Guide
  4. Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy in Veterinary Dermatology
  5. Skin Biopsy Interpretation: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
  6. Cutaneous Cytology: Techniques for Processing and Accurate Interpretation

Professional Summary

With over 30 years of experience in veterinary medicine and more than 25 years dedicated exclusively to dermatology, I am passionate about clinical work and dermatological diagnostics. My career has encompassed roles in clinical practice, academia, and research, with a strong focus on dermatopathology, allergic diseases and otitis.

Current Positions

  • Laboklin GmbH & Co KG – Dermatology and Allergology Specialist (2018 – Present)
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid (2022 – Present)
  • Head of the Dermatology Service, Veterinary Hospital, Complutense University of Madrid (2022 – Present)

Previous Experience

  • Hospital Veterinario AniCura-Vetsia – Dermatology Service (2021 – April 2024)
  • Founder & Director, ADERVET Centro de Dermatología Veterinaria, Madrid (2007 – 2021)
  • Dermatopathologist, Diavet Laboratory (2016 – 2018)
  • Chief of Dermatology & Internal Medicine, Veterinary Hospital, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (2008 – 2009)
  • Professor & Head of Dermatology Service, Veterinary Faculty, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (2000 – 2007)
  • Founder & Director, Clínica Veterinaria Cercedilla (1989 – 2003)


  • PhD in Veterinary Medicine – Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2005)
  • Diplomate in Veterinary Medicine – Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1983-1988)
  • Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD) (2011)

Publications & Conferences

Speaker at numerous national and international congresses, workshops, and seminars
Author of multiple scientific publications in international journals


  • Diagnosis in Dermatology. Pet Owner Educational Atlas (2015)
  • Pet Owner Educational Atlas – Dermatology (2013)
  • Looking for Success in Dermatology Practice: Diagnostic Protocol for Skin Disorders (2019)
  • Looking for Success in Dermatology Practice: A Practical Manual of Diagnostic Tests (2020)


  • Spanish (Native), English (Fluent)
  • German, French, Italian

Personal Interests

  • Outdoor sports: Mountain biking, hiking, skiing, swimming
  • Tango dancing, reading, cooking, traveling

Franziska Meyer (Switzerland)
DVM, DACVECC FVH for Small Animals
(Emergency & Critical Care)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. A Systematic Approach to the Trauma Patient
  2. Brain Storming: Traumatic Brain Injury
  3. Why is this Patient Bleeding?
  4. Intoxications: Common Offenders and Treatment Options
  5. Feed me: Don’t Starve the Critical Patient
  6. Anaphylaxis - A Shocking Situation

Dr. Meyer graduated from the University of Bern, Switzerland in 2010. After completing a doctorate thesis at the Institute of Genetics at the same university, she went on to work in a small animal clinic for 2 years, followed by an internship in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Zurich. After several years working in general practice and emergency medicine in Switzerland and the UK, she pursued residency training in emergency and critical care at the University of Bern and Washington State University. Dr. Meyer became a diplomate in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care in 2022 and joined the University of Zurich as a senior lecturer the same year.

Jana Milenkovic (Switzerland)
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Cracking the Code of IMHA: Advanced Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment
  2. Blood Matters: Mastering Transfusions and the Use of Blood Products
  3. FIP Revolution: New Treatments Changing the Game
  4. FIV and FeLV Demystified: Practical Insights for Diagnosis and Long-Term Management
  5. Deep Dive into Chronic Inflammatory Enteropathy
  6. When Breathing Becomes a Battle: Feline Lower Airway Disease
  7. Silent but Deadly: Diagnosing and Managing Hypertension
  8. Living on the Edge: Understanding and Treating Hypercoagulability

Jana Milenkovic graduated with honors in 2015 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. After graduation, she worked for two years at the Veterinary Clinic "Novak" in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2017, she enrolled in a Rotating Internship program at the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany. Following the successful completion of the Rotating internship, she began a Specialty Internship in Internal Medicine in 2018 at the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland. In 2020, at the same university, she completed her doctoral thesis on canine thyroid tumors and tumor-derived organoids. Later that year, she started a Residency program of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM - SAIM). In 2024, Jana achieved Diplomate status, becoming Board Certified in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Jana is currently working as a senior clinician in internal medicine at the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Ana Nemec (Slovenia)
DVM, PhD, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, Spec. in canine and feline medicine, Assist. Prof.

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  • Set up dentistry operatory for success
  • Dental trauma – wait and see?
  • Dental extractions – it’s not pulling teeth
  • Oral and dental diseases of juvenile patients
  • Aseptic techniques and use of antimicrobials in veterinary dentistry
  • Malocclusion and treatment options overview

I am a veterinary dentist, mostly working with dogs and cats. In contemporary, rapidly expanding veterinary medicine, focusing on a specialty field is necessary for professional excellence. I know that only with this focus can I provide comprehensive services based on extensive knowledge and the constantly growing body of experience, that I started to develop after my graduation as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2004, firstly as a PhD student in Biomedicine at the University of Ljubljana, before moving to one of the world’s best Veterinary Schools for a three-year residency training in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at the University of California-Davis, USA. Since 2012, I have been in Slovenia to help you care for your pet’s oral and dental health.
I wish to pass on the knowledge I received from my excellent mentors and constant learning, because knowledge is dead if it is not shared. I teach students at the Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana and since 2015, I have contributed to over 120 veterinary conferences in the USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Africa, Russia and several European countries, as well as at home in Slovenia.
In addition to clinical activities and teaching, I am also active in European and American Veterinary Dental Colleges, VOHC Council, the WSAVA Dental Standardization Project Committee, and the Veterinary Dentistry and Oromaxillofacial Surgery journal. I am a member of the European Veterinary Dental Society and recipient of national and international awards in veterinary medicine, a reviewer in several international journals, and the author of research and professional papers.

Geert Paes (Belgium)
(Internal Medicine)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Protein losing nephropathy or glomerular diseases in dogs – Part 1
  2. Protein losing nephropathy or glomerular diseases in dogs - Part 2
  3. Urethral obstruction in cats
  4. Correct antibiotic use in urinary tract infections
  5. Parvovirosis
  6. Acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
  7. Feline triaditis
  8. Feline lipidosis

Geert Paes is originally from Belgium, where she graduated as a veterinarian in 2006 and completed her specialty training in small animal internal medicine. She is a European specialist of the College of Small Animal Internal Medicine (ECVIM-ca). She worked at the University of veterinary medicine in Ghent, Belgium until 2012.
Because she was also passionate about exploring the world, she combined her job at the University with working as a certified travel guide. In 2011, while on a trip in Nepal, she met her Canadian husband and followed him to Vancouver. She worked as a locum veterinarian in several clinics (general practice and emergency medicine) in the Lower Mainland, before finding her home at BBVSH at the start of 2017. She has also worked as a telemedicine consultant and teacher for a Belgian veterinary laboratory as well as for Evidensia Netherlands. She also started an online learning platform for veterinarians and veterinary assistants.
Geert is passionate about her job. She loves to figure out challenging cases, to find the missing pieces of the puzzle, to be able to provide the owner with answers and to create a connection with the animal as well as the owner.
In her spare time she loves to be active outdoors together with her husband and 6-year old. She is an avid hiker and loves to climb. As a family they continue to have a close connection with Europe, by traveling back and forward regularly. She also loves the calming effects of yoga and meditation.

Matthew Rendle (United Kingdom)
(Vet Nurses / Technicians)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Imaging - Getting Good Results, First Time!
  2. Nursing The Shock Patient
  3. Advanced Wound Treatment Techniques
  4. Holistic ECC Nursing

Matthew Rendle started his veterinary nursing career in 1989, with experience in nursing care for many species from ants to elephants (and most things in-between), he has been fortunate to travel extensively across the world as part of his roles. Matt has been involved in veterinary politics for many years and currently is an elected member of the RCVS VN council. Matt is the Chair of AZEVN which he helped found in 2016 to provide CPD for nurses working with zoo, exotics, and wildlife species. Matt also is a member of the board of ACOVENE, who help promote and support veterinary nursing education in Europe. At home Matthew cares for his collection of 30 reptiles and hangs out with his Bengal cat, Olive.

Clare Rusbridge (United Kingdom)

EERVC 2025 Lectures

  1. Keys and Tricks in the Neurological Examination of the feline patient to obtain maximum information
  2. Blindness – is it central?
  3. What's new in feline Neurology
  4. The Comatose patient
  5. Movers and shakers –movement disorders and other seizure like paroxysmal events
  6. Epilepsy – setting up treatment
  7. Weak and wobbly – is it neuromuscular disease
  8. Management of neuropathic pain

Clare is Professor in Veterinary Neurology at University of Surrey and Senior Neurologist at Wear Referrals. Her experience with painful and distressing inherited and conformation related disease drives her research to improve diagnose, treatment and prevention. She has spent over 25 years researching Chiari malformation, syringomyelia and neuropathic pain and has authored or co-authored over 160 scientific articles and book chapters including a textbook on human syringomyelia. She is a trustee for the Dog Breeding Reform Group and Patron of Cavalier Matters and Degenerative myelopathy charities. Her “hobby” is making content for her veterinary neurology YouTube channel @clare-neurovet and websites and
Clare graduated from Glasgow University in 1991 and became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology in 1996 after a residency at the Royal Veterinary College. She became a RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology in 1997 and was awarded a PhD from Utrecht University in 2007. She was honoured to receive the JA Wight Memorial award in 2011, made Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (meritorious contribution to knowledge) in 2016, an RCVS Impact award in 2022, the Pet Plan Charitable Trust Scientific Award in 2023 and an APGAW unsung hero in 2023.

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